Ascension is an English IPA
One of our core range beers.
Ascension consists of Pale Ale malt and light Crystal malt.
We have used a small amount of the UK’s Boadicea hop, which has a very mild aroma with subtle grass ,floral and fruit characteristics.
The Boadicea hop wa sbred at Wye College and released in 2004.
It is a dwarf variety derived from the open pollination of a second generation, wild japanese femasle hop.
Ascension has a reasonable 5.7% ABV.
As with all our beers Ascension is bottle conditioned.
We highly recommend that it is stood upright in a fridge and left to chill for a while.
This will help any sediment in the bottle as a result of conditioning to settle.
Ascension is currently only available in a 330ml bottle.